


ассоциация детей и молодежи


Областная общественная организация детей и молодёжи АСДЕМО, опираясь на демократические ценности и принципы открытой деятельности и добровольного участия, активизирует молодёжные стремления, инициативы и деятельность в различных аспектах жизни общества путем организационного и материального содействия, информирования, проведения тренингов, семинаров, конференций по важным аспектам жизни общества (права человека, состояние окружающей среды, трудоустройство, миграция, проблемы ВИЧ-инфекции и СПИДа), организации оздоровления и международного молодёжного обмена.


Виды деятельности:

1. финансирование молодёжных программ и акций за счёт собственных и привлечённых средств;

2. пропаганда среди детей и молодёжи экологических знаний, проведение массовых мероприятий, направленных на охрану окружающей среды;

3. оказание организационного и материального содействия молодёжным коллективам и отдельным лицам, занимающимся спортом, музыкой, изобразительным искусством, театром и другими видами творческой деятельности;

4. проведение просветительских, культурно-массовых, развлекательных мероприятий, встреч, конференций, акций, семинаров по проблемам жизни общества;

5. организация оздоровления детей и молодёжи в летних лагерях, на базах отдыха, туристических базах на территории Беларуси и за её пределами;

6. содействие в организации международных молодёжных обменов;

7. развитие у молодёжи их начальных профессиональных качеств путём привлечения к активной деятельности в качестве волонтёров организации для решения общественно значимых вопросов.

Вся деятельность организации реализуется силами активной молодёжи. Это позволяет формировать у молодых людей уверенную жизненную позицию за счёт участия в процессах регулирования и решения проблем общества.


Задачи АСДЕМО входит:

1. Формирование и поддержание активного молодёжного движения;

2. Оказание социальной защиты детей и молодёжи;

3. Взаимодействие с государственными органами по делам детей и молодёжи;

4. Развитие международного молодёжного сотрудничества.



Мозырское районное отделение областного общественного объединения “Гомельская Ассоциация детей и молодежи”.





association of children and youth


What is ASDEMO?

We’re a public non-profit NGO. We were created in 1996 and our members have always been active and enthusiastic volunteers. We are an open organization, anyone can join us. We have turned into a regional organization, active not only in Gomel, Belarus, but also in such cities and towns of Gomel region as Rechitsa, Mozyr, Turov, Zhlobin, Rogachev and Buda-Koshelevo.

We address a range of environmental and social issues. Our main spheres of activities have been environment. AIDS prevention, human and children’s rights, and we’ve also organized youth exchange programs. We have implemented quite a number of projects and participated in many programs in Belarus that we believe leadВ  to a better, “greener” and prosperous future.


Mission u0026amp; Vision

We promote the values and principles of active participation in various prominent aspects of social life. We see our mission in showing the values of life to the young generation and teaching and learning to create the future together.

We believe that it is possible to achieve more together through educating each other and bringing our aspirations to others. We want to empower our young volunteers, enrich them with experience and facilities to implement their new and fresh ideas working in a team.


Our activities

Children’s rights.

We carry out educational work regarding human rights and children’s rights in particular. We’ve held educating and informative seminars and peer-to-peer trainings with children in schools and orphanages as well as meetings with grown-ups on the issues.

Aids prevention.

We’ve been trying to assist youngsters who participate in music groups or who are fond of sports, fine arts or theatre. So far we’ve had nice experience working with partners from Germany, as a result the youth exchange programs of music groups, sportsmen, theater-goers and artistic people were organized.


All the year round we spread environmental information and build up environmental knowledge in our society. We organize actions, peer-to-peer workshops, conferences and Environment Days to learn together to protect and take care of the environment.


Energy saving:
Since the formation of the organization, we have been promoting renewable energy sources. For this we’ve been taking our volunteers to windmills and cooked food on a parabolic mirror for people to see it in action.
Eco labeling:
Recently we’ve participated in a pilot project to promote eco labeling in Belarus and we’ll try to continue this work.
During the disaster the area where we live suffered more than any other area in the republic. We’ve been working with people living in the polluted villages and teaching them to minimize the impact of the contamination by reducing the amount of polluted products they consume. A lot of research and educational work has been done.


We are almost 20 now, we are always open to new ideas and want to know and do more. We have new ideas and a lot of enthusiasm. There is a lot for us to learn, though. We have received a lot of knowledge and experience from each organization we’ve worked with and are ready to share ours.

Therefore we welcome anyone willing to work with us and who is interested in being our partner for a project or action, or just would like to share experience please contact us at asdemo@gmail.com


Youth exchanges

We do our best to help our young people who want to communicate and cooperate with peers from other countries. We organize summer camps for children and youth people in and outside of Belarus.

We’ve been trying to assist youngsters who participate in music group or who are fond of sports, fine arts or theatre. So far we’ve had nice experience working with partners from Germany, as a result the youth exchange programs of music groups, sportsmen, theater-goers and artistic people were organized.

